
What to expect when stating your first online business.

As a Marketing Coach one of the most common things I am asked is, How long is this going to take? or When will I start making money with my Business?

When you start any kind of business, be it online or brick and mortar There are unlimited factors to consider and each vary from business to business.  You need to brainstorm and research your idea, you need to establish the proper legal documentation, you need to develop a marketing plan and the skills to market your business.  If you were to ask any business owner what they spend the most of I guarantee it would be time.  It just takes time to make money.  Of course the more time you can put into the business the quicker you will be able to see results.  Once the business is established you can then start marketing the business, developing a marketing plan and implementing a marketing strategy.  You will need to do live this plan and strategy for the life of your business making changes as your business evolves and grows.  The bottom line you can not rush your results with any business.  You have to let the business grow in its own time and work and grow with it from nothing into the success you want to be.  Below are some of the post from the site to help with establishing the business and making sure the legal and financial aspect are in place.


  1. working on patience and trying to remember as much as possible, taking notes and re-reading as necessary to get this right.

  2. I would love to put more items on ebay for Auction for a penny but I am not at home at this given time I will retune on the 1st of the month and I can place the penny auction for $0.01 with free shipping.
